SEO Site Audit

Is your site not performing as well as you think it should in search engines? If so, have a site audit conducted that will analyze your site the way a search engine and user would see it. The Site Audit will make both technical and marketing recommendations on how to improve the site in terms of search visibility, search engine referrals and conversions.

The audit will provide both the issues present on the site as well recommendations on how to resolve the issues for better visibility in the search engines.

The Heddle Marketing site audits differ from many other site audits conducted in the industry. Heddle Marketing will conduct the audit using manual tools and techniques such as crawlers, page speed tools, and delving into the code, rather than solely relying on more cursory automated tools. Many competing firms will just use the more cursory automated tools to perform the audit. This automated approach results in two main drawbacks:

  1. Missing details
  2. The inability for the dots to be connected and the proper prioritization of initiatives by impact to be communicated.